Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Rue Anemone
ephemeral [uh-fem-er-uhl]-adjective.
-lasting a very short time; short-lived
I don't know why, but I get giddy when I see the first wildflowers blooming at Prairie Pond Woods.  I guess it's that "For a Limited Time Only" feeling, since many wildflowers are here for only about 2 weeks per year.  They're amazingly delicate but amazingly hardy, enduring, as they have this spring, below average temperatures night after night.   They truly are demonstrations of renewed life and ressurection.

I love the contrast of textures as these pastel-petaled flowers push through the dark soil and display themselves against the dry matting of leaves, grass and fallen twigs.  Honestly, anything that pushes up from the dirt on seasonal cue flabbergasts me.  It's all a well-choreographed dance of higher temperatures, longer light periods, more water and, I believe, a deep desire to dazzle us with beauty and brawn!

On the upcoming April 30th retreat, Women Emerging - Discovering What Lies Beneath, we'll start the day walking the grounds to see and photograph the beauty of these spring ephemerals.  After lunch and some time to just "be," we'll spend the afternoon in a SoulCollage mini-workshop, discovering what might be waiting to rise to the surface within your spirit.  Something beautiful, I'm sure.  

For more information visit the website at  
To Register, call Cindy at 937-532-6688

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