Monday, July 15, 2013


We call this spot, The Woodland Cathedral because, well, it just feels holy when you sit there. You will undoubtedly hear the crescendo of the Ovenbird song in the spring. Up on the ridge in the tangles of underbrush, a Hooded Warbler faithfully sings his "witcha-witcha-wee-oh" each summer.  A Pileated Woodpecker may also startle the silence with its loud, staccato call, as it swoops through the colored canopy in autumn.

This is a good place to contemplate whether your own voice is being heard in the world...

"Don't try to figure out what other people want from you; figure out what you have to say.  It's the one and only thing you have to offer.  
 -Barbara Kingsolver

 If you prefer not to trek up the hill, another spot at the bottom of the trail awaits. This Adirondack chair sits across from a small patch of newly planted woodland flowers, anchored by one Mountain Laurel bush that I planted several years ago. This summer I planted Virgiania bluebells, Jacob's ladder and wild geraniums. If all goes well, next spring these will flourish alongside Giant Solomon's Seal, Bellwort, Mayapples and Two-flowered Cynthias.  

This is the third and final spot in the woods for reflection, should you come for a Personal Retreat.  There is nothing more relaxing...more quieting...more comforting than being surrounded by such beautiful gifts of creation.  

To find out more about taking a Personal Retreat visit the 
Heart by Nature Retreats Website

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