Monday, June 2, 2014


Around the last week of May and the first week of June, after the great wildflower and warbler marathon has wound down, there tends to be a comparative lull in nature observation at Prairie Pond Woods.  Not that there isn't a myriad of fabulous things going's just that most of the butterflies, dragonflies, and prairie plants are not as ephemeral as wood warblers and, well, I take a little breather.  Prairies don't really burst into bloom until mid- to late-summer but even now there are a few things up and blooming that are noteworthy.  Enjoy!

Spider Milkweed
Downy Woodmint

Foxglove Beardtongue
Indian Hemp

Oxeye Daisy
The best thing to do with them, as they are not native and spread like crazy

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